Warden Training
We’ve designed this course to form part of your Fire & Emergency Response Procedures compliance with AS374-2010 Planning for Emergencies in Facilities.
As the principal line of defence during a fire, our online training provides fire wardens with:
- awareness of different types of fire and other hazards
- a clear understanding of their role and responsibilities
- how to respond efficiently to a range of emergency situations in and around your workplace/facility
- Emergency Response Procedures training (RACE)
- competence and confidence when taking the appropriate action required in case of a fire or emergency
- evacuation procedures, and
- how to take control of a situation until emergency services arrive
At completion of the training program a Certificate of Participation will be issued.
Each member of your warden team should complete this training twice per year at intervals of no greater than 6 months. Not only does this ensure compliance, but it will serve as a much-needed refresher for the fire warden being trained.
Our Mission
Our market leading and innovative Warden, Chief Warden, Fire Awareness and Induction into Workplace Policies and Procedures programs help the business community meet their moral and legal obligations under the Work Health and Safety Regulations (2017) and the requirements of Australian Standard AS3745: Planning for Emergencies in Facilities.
Our Vision
To fulfil our vision to be the number one brand in the delivery of training solutions in Fire Warden and Chief Warden, Fire Awareness and the Induction process to Policies and Procedures for organisations.
Enrol and start training in minutes!